Do you find that you judge yourself for certain things you do and or the way your personality is sometimes?
If you’re anything like me, when you were a young child one of your parents criticised most things you did, but one of your parents sang your praises to you and anyone who’d listen. Get in and thanks mum for making me feel like an intelligent, kind and fun girl to be around for others = my friends and members if the public I happened to meet (usually at dancing festivals).
Now I’m an adult, I think and kind of know I’m good at some things such as: cooking, dancing, being a decent and kind to others lovely person and writing (I hope you agree with me that I’m good at writing). I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to share with others what I’m good at, just in case I can help them with these kinds of things if they’re struggling to be able to do them. I am quite shy at times when I’m doing / taking part in things I have no confidence in.
If this sounds like you, you should write down the things that you know you’re good at and have done well at. Writing down examples of the things you’ve succeeded at will give you confidence in you (when you read them back to yourself). You should do this so you’ve got it to read before you must be in a situation where you might have no confidence at all, so you feel extra shy, and you ooze that you have no confidence in yourself. Not believing in yourself is not great when you have an interview for a job. Employers want you to have a ‘get up and go!’ way of being about you - as soon as you start the job they’ve given you.
Now a bit about one’s appearance - not being happy about the way you look hey! Here are some feel good tips for ladies…
If you have no confidence in your looks: your face and / or your body - do something about it. You should start by practising your make up, so you can make yourself look gorgeous for a night out on the town. Plus, get yourself some clothes that really suit you and make you look fab, cool and that you feel comfortable & confident in. Cool to & for you, not what they are telling you in magazines is cool and what isn’t cool.
If you love, respect and value your friends – they must feel these things for you. If your friends are awesome people, they must hang out with you and possibly turn to you when they have crap things going on for them - you must be a very nice, cool and awesome person.
Ask your friends to have a word with you when they hear you being too hard on yourself. They will say (if you ask them nicely to) “XXX stop telling yourself negative things about yourself – you are not the one in the wrong. You’re a lovely in every single way dude or dudette!”.